Limited time only: 
Reveal Your Path Online Course 
 LIVE Mastermind Calls!
Jim Harshaw, Jr.
Make 2022 the year you finally break through!
create your plan for clarity, focus, and consistency...
8 Weeks to Confidence and Clarity
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To fulfill your potential, you need 
a rock-solid plan for success 
and a proven framework.
You didn't end up here by accident. 

If you're reading this page right now, you know there's more potential inside of you. 

Maybe you feel like you just need to be more consistent.
Or maybe you want to find better balance. 

Or maybe you're seeking a clear plan of action so that you can maximize your potential. 

Reveal Your Path is an 8-week program that helps you break through the barriers holding you back so that you can have the consistency, clarity, and balance of a world-class performer. 
What You Get...

Group Coaching Calls

Facilitated by Jim, you and fellow Reveal Your Path clients (called Pathfinders) meet up virtually to share insights, offer feedback and get accountability. 

Discovery Exercise Assignments

You will receive Discovery Exercises in the form of worksheets that will guide you to clarity, balance, and breakthroughs. Each exercise is specifically designed to reveal powerful insights about yourself, your potential, and how to tap into it.  

Discovery Lesson Videos

Along with each Discovery Exercise worksheet, you will gain lifetime access to a series of videos that will explain each Discovery Exercise in detail so that you know exactly what your next step is. 

Private Facebook Group Access

Who you spend time with is who you become. This Facebook community is full of like-minded individuals who are living their best lives through the Reveal Your Path system. Pathfinders include CEOs, Olympians, professional athletes, neurosurgeons, MBAs, entrepreneurs, college coaches, educators, sales professionals, and others. 

Tips, Tools and Tactics Of Elite Performers

Gleaned from elite performers including Navy SEALs, Olympians, billionaires, best-selling authors and top coaches, you will receive invaluable tips, tools, and tactics weekly. Don't reinvent the wheel. Leverage these insights to boost your results quickly. 
Cost: $997  $497 
How We Will Do It...

The Reveal Your Path curriculum includes...

Core Values

Discover what really drives you at a fundamental level. Through a uniquely designed process, you will uncover the "pillars" that you will use to make decisions in your life, both big and small, so that you live in alignment with you you want to be. 

Aligned Goals

By aligning your goals with the core values that you uncover, you will find yourself having the consistency, focus, and resilience that you see in world-class performers. We set goals in four distinct areas of your life (relationships, self, health, wealth) so that you find balanced success instead of the hollow success that comes with striving for money alone. 

Environment of Excellence

Top performers, whether Navy SEALs, elite athletes, or successful entrepreneurs, intentionally create an environment in which they can succeed. They are not only surrounded by the right people who hold them to the highest standard, they are also focused on the right media, self-talk, and work environment. You will discover and create your own Environment of Excellence so that you too can finally take advantage of your untapped potential. 

Follow Through

While having value-aligned goals and an Environment of Excellence is a great start, it ends in inconsistency and disappointment if you don't have a clear plan for follow through. This means not just accountability but also critical tactics and guardrails in place that push you back on track when you start to drift. 

My question to you is this…

What possibly could stop you from making this small commitment that will change your life?

This small investment to make a change in your life.
To finally learn the system that world-class performers use to get results?

Let’s get to work.

Claim your spot. 

Remember, this program sells for $997 
but is discounted to $497 for this week only. 
About Jim Harshaw, Jr: 

Jim Harshaw Jr. is an NCAA Division I All American wrestler and former NCAA Division I head coach, internationally recognized TEDx speaker, personal performance coach, and host of the Success Through Failure podcast. 

He has impacted hundreds of thousands of lives across the world by helping clients and audiences increase resilience, maximize potential, and build high-performing teams. His clients include CEOs, entrepreneurs, and leaders from Fortune 500 companies as well as current and former athletes from the NFL, UFC, NCAA, and Olympics.
Organizations who trust Jim Harshaw, Jr...

Guaranteed to give you 
the clarity you need 
to have a breakthrough year 
in 2022!

Don't take my word for it...

What people are saying about 
Reveal Your Path 

Here's What My Clients Want You to Know...

Too busy? 

"Then you aren't serious 
about making a change."

I can do this myself.

"You can try, but anyone who says they are a self-made man is ignoring the help he had along the way."

Don't want to spend the money?

"For me the fact was that 
I couldn't afford not to."

-John Lyons
Senior Engineer
Husband and Father of 3
Scranton, PA
Too busy? 

 "I am accomplishing more on a daily basis than ever before."

I can do this myself.

"Even Michael Jordan needed a coach and someone in his life to hold him to a higher standard."

Don't want to spend the money?

"I would pay double 
to be where I am today."  

-Eric Albright
Financial Advisor
Husband and Father of 4
York, PA

What Others Are Saying...

Dr. McLaughlin, a former Division I athlete and father of four living in Princeton, NJ, is a nationally renowned neurosurgeon. He felt pulled in a million directions and was looking for a framework to rise above the minutia so that he could make his biggest impact on the world. Here's what he said...

"You helped me solve an enigma that I have been struggling with for the past 5 years. Not only did I tap into my personal greatness as I pursued this endeavor, I left a legacy for my children and grandchildren. I will forever be indebted."

Dr. Mark McLaughlin, neurosurgeon, author, philanthropist

Jared was an athletic director and school leader at a critical point in his career. He has multiple choices but didn't know which one to commit to. After finding the clarity and confidence to choose the right path for him, here's what he said...

“There’s no comparison in terms of the money spent to the value received. ”
Jared Kahmar, Head Principal, Port Jervis City School District

Jerry, a father of 4 in North Dakota, was leading a church. It's lonely at the top and he knew he needed a coach to help him make the tough decisions both professionally and personally. Here's what he said...

"Since joining Reveal Your Path, we have paid off over $280,000 in debt, started a business, landed a huge promotion, are building our dream home, earning $90,000 more per year, and giving away more than 15% of our income a month! Reveal Your Path is the reason I am living my best life, today!"

Jerry Stravia, Owner, Stravia Family Farms, Pastor

Brittani, a mother in Kansas City, had found a new level of success. She also knew she couldn't lose her edge. She wanted to continue to up her game while maintaining balance at home. Here's what she said...

“If I could write a thousand testimonials I would. This has been a game changer for me!!”

Brittani Smith, National Accounts Manager, LaborMax

Isaac, a former NCAA All American athlete, father, and entrepreneur, had found success but was struggling to keep it all in balance. He knew he needed a proven framework to maximize his potential in every area of his life. Here's what he said...

“I love this version of myself the most and I’ll do anything to keep this going.”

Dr. Isaac Greeley, entrepreneur, chiropractor, MMA coach

Frank, an actor in Richmond, VA, was looking for a clear plan to maximize his potential. He knew he was operating at less than his full potential. Here's what he said...

“My only regret is that I didn’t do this 20 years ago.”

Frank Creasy, actor, fitness trainer

Jen, a mother of 2 from New Jersey, was looking to learn about the mindset of world-class performers and how she could apply it in her work as a leader in a global company. Here's what she said...

"I can not say enough about the process! I have gone through it independently and have rolled it out with my top leaders this spring! Waiting to deploy again this fall with my next level of talent."
Jen Akerly, Vice President, Sodexo

Irina a mother and the CEO of a real estate firm outside of Chicago. She wanted better balance in her life while wanting to crush it in her business. Here's what she said...

“I felt like I’ve taken a huge leap forward. Like I went straight from first gear to fourth gear.”
Irina Allison, CEO, Apex Real Estate


Exclusive one-on-one coaching call with Jim Harshaw, Jr.

A one-on-one coaching session with Jim costs $350. This is included for free. Jim will read through each of your goals and guide you to ensure that you have a crystal clear plan to follow through. 

Access to a training session for my inner circle clients 
with a 4x Olympian. 

Jim has developed a circle of friends who regularly appear in his inner-circle coaching calls. Gain access to an exclusive recorded session with Ruben Gonzalez, a 4x Olympian in the luge and internationally recognized speaker who commands $15,000 to step on stage for an hour. You get access to this for free. 

110% Money-Back Guarantee: 

If you don't feel like you received at least DOUBLE the value that you paid, I will refund you 100% of your money... and then some!

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I justify paying $497 for this?

We get one shot at this life. 

What value do you place on your dreams and goals? 
Are you willing to settle for mediocrity? 

 There are a lot of things that cost more than Reveal Your Path. Divorce and medical bills not to mention the cost of regret, self-doubt, and fear. 

What do you stand to gain? 
What if you increased your productivity by just 10%? 
What if you achieved your goals in the next 12 months? 
Even if you only achieved one big goal, what would that be worth to you? 

Shouldn't I be able to do this on my own?

When I was competing as an NCAA Division I All American athlete and Olympic hopeful, I could have trained on my own without a coach. However, you and I know that I would have never come close to the same level of success. It's the same in the real world only there's more at stake than any championship. What's at stake is your family, your career, your health... your hopes, dreams, and wishes... your legacy. Your life is at stake. 

Tom Brady, Bill Gates, and Oprah Winfrey knew they couldn't do it on their own so they hired personal coaches to reach their own greatness. 

Why not you? 

Will this really work for me?

Hundreds of "Pathfinders" have come before you and found success. You can see their testimonials on this page. Pathfinders come from all walks of life— surgeons, teachers, Olympic athletes, entrepreneurs, and contractors. They come from across the US and Canada. 

Some came for help in their relationship but also found success in their business. Others came to grow their career but found themselves more physically fit than they'd ever been before. 

In short, if you receive an invitation to join Reveal Your Path then it will work for you. 

(Note: If this page was forwarded to you, please know that you must go through the application process to see if you qualify for an invitation.)

I'm busy! How much time will this take?

Reveal Your Path is designed for the busy professional. The first few weeks will require the most work— about 1-2 hours of homework per week in addition to group coaching calls. You get out of this what you put in to it so if you invest even more, you'll get even more. 

How long do I have access?

You have lifetime access to all of the Discovery Exercises as well as the tools, tips, and tactics that are shared with you almost daily. 

When do we start?

Reveal Your Path is rolling admission with enrollment periods every two weeks. If you're committed to getting results, click below right now. 

After Learning The EXACT Framework I'm Going to Teach You, Here's What My Clients Have Said...

“This has been life-changing. And it happened fast. It was almost instantaneous that things started to click.“ 

-Matt Thomas
Charlottesville, VA

“I’m shattering the goals I’ve set for myself already. I feel pretty much unstoppable. Every aspect of my life has been affected positively.”

-Neal Ewers
Executive Director
Toronto, Ont

"THIS is the formula! 
THIS is what it takes to be better."

-Alex Uhre
Sales Executive
Boston, MA

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